Chapter 4. S2AOP.PHP Reference

Table of Contents

4.1. Summary of S2AOP
4.1.1. Concept of AOP
4.2. Notes on S2AOP
4.3. Aspect using S2AopFactory
4.4. Aspect using S2Container
4.4.1. Using S2ApplicationContext
4.4.2. Using S2ContainerFactory
4.5. Interceptors prepared in S2AOP
4.5.1. TraceInterceptor
4.5.2. MockInterceptor
4.5.3. InterceptorChain
4.5.4. Implementing Interceptor
4.6. MethodInvocation API Reference
4.7. S2AOP Configuration file

4.1. Summary of S2AOP

AOP, Aspect Oriented Programming, it is a technique which extracts the common logic distributed in two or more classes, and is woven in from the outside of a class.

4.1.1. Concept of AOP


Advice expresses the code inserted into a program. Advice may be called Interceptor.


Joinpoint expresses the point which combines target class and Advice. Advice can get method arguments or information of the method from Joinpoint.


Pointcut defines where Joinpoint is set up.


Aspect associates Advice and Pointcut.

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