Table of Contents
Table 5.1. Functional comparison table of S2Container-1.2 and S2Container-2.0
Function S2Container-1.2 S2Container-2.0 Property Injection none avilable Setter Injection available available Constructor Injection available available Method Injection InitMethod, DestroyMethod InitMethod Instance Type singleton, prototype, outer, request, session singleton, prototype Binding Type auto, constructor, property, none auto, none Annotation extension Annotation, annotation function of S2ContainerApplicationContextclass unifies to seasar\util\Annotation class Attached Interceptor S2Container_TraceInterceptor
seasar\aop\interceptor\InterceptorChainDefault Pointcut All the public methods of implemented Interface. Nothing when Interceptor is not implemented at all. All the public methods of implemented Interface. If Interface is not implemented at all, they are all the methods which the class implements. However, the method from which a name begins in set, get, and is is excepted. Setup of Pointcut More than one can be specified by comma separated values. (example .+Dao,.+Service) Single specification (example /.+Dao$/ ) ClassLoader S2ContainerClassLoader, S2ContainerApplicationContext class seasar\util\ClassLoader class Singleton S2Container function S2Container_SingletonS2containerFactory class Singleton S2Cotainer function of S2ApplicationContext class Log function available available Cache function of S2Container availavle none Cache function of S2AOP availavle availavle Automatic registration function of component Automatic registration function of component as expanded functions, import function of S2ContainerApplicationContext unifies to import function of S2ApplicationContext class Automatic registration function of Aspect Automatic registration function of Aspect as expanded functions, registerAspect function of S2ContainerApplicationContext unifies to registerAspect function of S2ApplicationContext class The registration name of component component name, class name component name, class name with namespace, class name, class name which first letter is lowercased Setup of Environment availavle none S2ApplicationContext::registerAspect method arguments
- 1st : component pattern
- 2nd : Interceptor
- 3rd : Pointcut
And return value is a instance of AspectInfoDef class.
- 1nd : Interceptor
- 2st : component pattern (optional)
- 3rd : Pointcut (optional)
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